Представительство Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge University Press) в России приглашает принять участие в мероприятиях с участием спикеров и авторов Cambridge University Press, которые состоятся в ноябре-декабре 2020 года.
Расписание мероприятий
24-26 ноября - Global Schools Festival - серия бесплатных вебинаров авторов и экспертов Cambridge Univesity Press по обучению школьников английскому языку
Регистрация на мероприятие откроется 10 ноября. Однако уже сейчас можно оставить заявку на получение новостей о мероприятии. Подробности.
28 ноября 10.45 мск - вебинар Энн Робинсон (Anne Robinson) 'Time to get teens interacting - digitally' в рамках онлайн-конференции Trendy English 9
The teenagers in our classes are ‘digital natives’. They’re used to interacting, following, tagging, storing, linking, searching, gaming… What if we use some of these activities in our classes and encourage students to interact with the content and with each other? In this session, we’ll be looking at how we can do these things with minimum preparation.
Подробности и регистрация
28 ноября 13.00 мск - вебинар Дэвида Валенте (David Valente) 'Time to develop children’s autonomy as language learners: from picturebooks to home books' в рамках онлайн-конференции Trendy English 9
Teaching children to become autonomous language learners requires a sound repertoire of principled strategies and very careful scaffolding. My talk will provide English teachers with a useful methodology for encouraging autonomy and boosting independence in primary and lower secondary English learning. Using home booklets from Cambridge University Press along with other material I will also share practical ways to apply the model
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16 декабря - бесплатный вебинар Нила Холлоуэя (Neil Holloway) 'Succeeding in Academic writing in English' в рамках конференции «Проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики в неязыковом вузе»
The aim of this talk is to help Russian speaking students understand how to improve their academic writing in English and to analyse some of the differences in approach in English and Russian. We will explore ways of bridging the gap between the linguistic knowledge learnt in language classes and the skills that you need to be successful when writing in English for an academic audience. We will also keep in mind the differences in expectations around the choice of language used for this skill in both languages. Drawing on real life examples from the Cambridge English Corpus we will look at different genres, such as reports and essays and analyse the overall flow, structure vocabulary and grammar that need to be considered in order to succeed.
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